What is Qi? The Concept of Qi in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Qi translated into English reads, “vital life force”. In Chinese Philosophy, Qi is the force that creates and unites all elements in the universe.
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” The Dronyk Health Clinic focuses on treating the root cause of illnesses while providing symptomatic relief in the meantime as the body heals itself. We do this by using several therapies, the primary ones being Naturopathy, Acupuncture, and Chiropractic medicine. We also have a large dispensary filled with supplements, tinctures, and homeopathics. Dr. Bishop practices facial rejuvenation at the Dronyk Health Clinic which can be done using Qi Beauty, Revitapen, and cosmetic acupuncture. Explore our website to learn more about what happens at the Dronyk Health Clinic and feel free to contact us via telephone with any questions you have at +1 548-440-8080 . We are accepting new patients and would love the opportunity to assist you to obtain your health goals. The clinic is located at Wilson’s Health Services Kitchener, please see our new location for more information on other treatments and practitioners. At the Dronyk Health Clinic, we offer several modalities. To begin, a consult will be done and this is a chance for you to discuss your current health state as well as your health history. NEW! Qi translated into English reads, “vital life force”. In Chinese Philosophy, Qi is the force that creates and unites all elements in the universe. The majority of our body is made up of water – 70% in fact. The reason why such a big portion of our bodies Qi is the energy within us that plays a significant role in the maintenance of our health and vitality as we grow. The Qi In extreme weather conditions with sharp temperature fluctuations like in Ontario, it is easy to fall sick with bronchitis, sinus infections, pneumonia, colds, flus Chiropractic care helps to restore normal structural anatomy, by treating the root cause. Often, if you throw your back out, having an assessment by Back pain can be extremely intense and can impact someone’s quality of life greatly. Nearly eight out of ten people experience back pain at Naturopathic Clinic in Kitchener, ON
– Thomas Edison How we work
Naturopathic Clinic in Kitchener
Our Services
Total Body Modification
Total Body Modification is a technique used to find the organ or area of the body that is stressed, determine the cause of the stress, and then correct the problem by restoring balance to the nervous system and therefore one’s health and well-being. This is done through applied kinesiology by using muscle testing. Latest Blog Posts
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