Acupuncture (and Other Alternative Treatments) for Better Sleep
It is normal to have trouble sleeping every once in a while, but to go consecutive nights with less than 6-8 hours of sleep
At the Dronyk Health Clinic, we offer several modalities. To begin, a consult will be done and this is a chance for you to discuss your current health state as well as your health history. Based on this information, we will choose the correct therapies for you. This may include any combination of acupuncture, chiropractic which includes a technique called Total Body Modification, naturopathic treatment which includes diet and lifestyle counseling, and nutritional supplementation, as well as many other therapies. To learn about these, please visit the individual pages.
At the Dronyk Health Clinic, we offer several modalities. To begin, a consult will be done and this is a chance for you to discuss your current health state as well as your health history.
It is normal to have trouble sleeping every once in a while, but to go consecutive nights with less than 6-8 hours of sleep
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