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Perhaps the easiest way to understand what cupping is is to think of it as a massage that is inverse. As opposed to applying pressure to the body, one muscle area at a time, cupping uses suction like pressure to pull everything upwards. It stimulates blood flow, flow of lymph and Qi, relaxes tight muscles, and reduces anxiety.

Cupping involves placing either glass, silicone or plastic cups on the skin. When oxygen is removed this creates a vacuum that pulls outward. The underlying tissue and skin are sucked into the open part of the cup.

There are 2 different types of cupping used at the Dronyk Health Clinic. Fixed cupping is when the cups are placed on a selected area of your body. They are then left there for an extended period of time without being moved. Moving cups use a massage oil applied to the affected body part. The cups are then applied to selected spots. The practitioner then slides the cups around in the area being treated.

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